Kentucky Association for Psychology in Schools


Our mission statement:  “Promoting educationally and psychologically healthy environments for all children and youth in Kentucky.”

KAPS represents and supports the profession of school psychology in the Commonwealth of Kentucky by advancing effective practices to improve students’ learning, behavior and mental health, and by maintaining essential standards for ethics and practice.


In keeping with the Association’s mission statement and core values, the purposes of the Association, not for profit, shall be to:

  1. provide the highest services to the children of Kentucky through the collaboration of
    professionals sharing knowledge, experience, research, and accountability.
  2.  promote and maintain the highest standards of ethics, training, legal, and professional
    practices in psychological services in the schools of Kentucky.
  3. advance education and mental health through psychological research and the
    dissemination of professional ideas.
  4. serve the mental health and educational needs of students and to assist in the development of sound educational practices for the total school program.
  5. study issues and provide recommendations for the organization and administration of school psychology and professional practices.
  6. promote school psychologists and the unique expertise they offer to educational systems within school communities, related professional organizations, and the public.
  7. encourage and support legislation pursuant to the above purposes.


The Kentucky Association for Psychology in the Schools is the professional association for school psychologists in Kentucky. We are affiliated with the National Association of School Psychologists, Kentucky Psychological Association, Kentucky Association of School Administrators, and Kentucky Center for School Safety. Your membership helps us keep school psychologists’ needs in the limelight at Capital Hill and in the classroom.

  • Renew your Membership:  (link to Membership page)
  • Find out what Region your School District or University is in:  Alpha by district-university


The mission of the Association is: To provide school psychologists and Association members with leadership, support, professional advocacy, and professional training to meet the needs of Kentucky school communities, including students, families, and staff.

KAPS Operations Manual includes purposes, executive council, finances, regions, standing committees, liasions, appointed positions, elections, awards, scholarships and grants, stipends, business meetings, and media requests.

  • “The State of School Psychology in Kentucky – 2010”: This report updates the findings from 2005 and has Kentucky school psychologists’ job descriptions, salaries, students ratios, licensure and credentialing requirements, and information regarding training programs in the state.  [VIEW REPORT]
  • “The State of School Psychology in Kentucky – 2005”:  This report reviews Kentucky school psychologists’ job descriptions, salaries, students ratios, licensure and credentialing requirements, and information regarding training programs in the state. [VIEW REPORT]
  • “RTI Implementation in Kentucky – 2009”:  This report reviews Kentucky school districts progress on implementing RTI.  [VIEW REPORT]

The KAPS Mini-grant opportunity was established in 2015. It will be offered in odd years only, providing interest and funding is available. In keeping with KAPS Mission and Vision statement, this mini-grant opportunity was established for KAPS members to apply for to expand their scope of practice in accordance with the NASP Practice Model. Awardees will use funds to build capacity for school psychology role expansion in the schools in which they work.

*How to Apply for a KAPS Mini-Grant:  KAPS Mini Grant Application 2017


About Dr. Bill Pfohl He was recently informed of being the 2020 recipient of the prestigious APA Division 16: Jack Bardon Distinguished Services Award due to his hard work and dedication as an inspirational change agent in the field of school psychology. Over the years, his leadership has impacted the…

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SPOTLIGHT: Liz Wallingford

District Name: Mason County Schools Total Years Practicing School Psychology: 20 years (all in Mason County) Prior Work: 9 years total – Teacher of the emotionally handicapped and guidance counselor in western North Carolina and Temple, Texas (moving from Massachusetts to North Carolina and then Texas after 1976 made a school psychology internship…

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Integrity: We are committed to high standards, ethical principles, social justice, honesty, fairness, and treating others with dignity and respect.

Diversity: We honor individual, cultural, and other contextual differences in our own interactions and as they shape students’ development.

A Focus on Children and Youth: We prioritize the needs of children, youth, and families in all activities.

Advocacy: KAPS promotes equitable schooling and positively influences outcomes, directly affecting the lives of children, youth, families, and the school communities we serve.

Collaborative Relationships: KAPS partners with allied organizations, agencies, and others to develop and achieve shared goals.

Continuous Improvement: We set challenging objectives and evaluates the effectiveness of organizational processes and professional practices.

Visionary Leadership: We approach our work with optimism, energy, and professionalism, working pragmatically with “what is” while moving toward “what can be.”

avg of
Current Members
University Graduate Programs
Years as an Organization


KAPS member benefits provide you access to essential and timely materials to use daily in your work helping students thrive. Feel confident knowing that KAPS research and insights put you in a position of strength, so you can work effectively and efficiently within your school communities.

Achieving excellence in the field


Connecting with colleagues worldwide

Expanding professional capacity

Intellectual engagement



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