Resources for School Psychologists

(Support your fellow psychologist by sharing resources that you have found useful. Please forward these resources to [email protected] to be posted on the KAPS website.)

Resource Links

Resource links for School Psychologists, Other School Based Mental Health Providers, Educators, and Parents
Support your fellow psychologist by sharing academic intervention resources that you have found useful. Please forward these resources to [email protected].
  • Reading Rockets – Resource for school psychologists, parents, and teachers regarding basic reading.
  • US Department of Education What Works Clearinghouse – scientific evidence of what works in education.
  • Washington Dept. of Special Education – reviews researched reading teaching/learning interventions for middle/high school students.
  • Learning Disabilities Resources – This website identifies a list of Learning Disability information links.
  • LD Online – Parents and teachers of learning disabled children will find authoritative guidance on attention deficit disorder, ADD / ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysnomia, reading difficulties, speech and related disorders.
  • International Dyslexia Association – organization dedicated to helping individuals with dyslexia, their families and the communities that support them.
  • Non-Verbal Learning Disability – Site devoted to informing professionals and communities about NLD.
  • The Riggs Institute – Information on the teaching writing, spelling, reading, and thinking.
  • National Research Center on Learning Disabilities
  • National Center on Learning Disabilities – offers background information, fact sheets, and helpful links to resources and organizations on a broad range of learning disability-related issues. Topics covered include Effective Teaching Practices, Homework, Response to Intervention, No Child Left Behind and many more
Support your fellow psychologist by sharing assessment resources that you have found useful. Please forward these resources to [email protected].
Support your fellow psychologist by sharing behavioral intervention resources that you have found useful. Please forward these resources to [email protected].
Created by the Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute

As any school psychologists knows, the students we serve are dealing with more than educational issues that may be causing a lack of success in the classroom and in life. For individuals with disabilities there are many barriers that prevent them from being successful in our schools and communities. Therefore, as school psychologists, we must help our students and their families find success in the school as well as the community. This success could help a student have a more fulfilling and successful life during and post-graduation.

In reaching for this success, we will often have to connect our students and their families with community resources that can assist beyond the school districts ability. The Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute has created the Kentucky Disability Resource Manual to help. This manual was designed primarily for use by individuals with developmental disabilities and related conditions, but is useful for any student who has a lifelong disability. The manual is user-friendly and has a comprehensive list of community resources and agencies that can assist any student or family who has needs beyond the educational setting.

The main focus of this manual is to provide easy-to-read information concerning available resources, and to provide immediate contact information for the purpose of applying for resources and/or locating additional information.

To view the IHDI Kentucky Disability Resource Manual Click Below:

Support your fellow psychologist by sharing general school psychology resources that you have found useful. Please forward these resources to [email protected].
Support your fellow psychologist by sharing research resources that you have found useful. Please forward these resources to [email protected].