Spring Training – Eastern KY Training
Eastern KY Training
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Morehead Conference Center
Morehead, KY
Western KY Training
Thursday, April 23, 2020
St. Johns Methodist Church
Hopkinsville, KY
Part of our mission as an organization is to provide school psychologists and association members high quality professional training to meet the needs of Kentucky school communities, including students, families, and staff. Offering 5 hours worth of continuing education at two ends of the state helps ensure that more individuals are able to receive the content they need to grow and develop. Four different sessions on four different topics will occur 9:00am to 4:00pm at both locations with lunch on your own. Registration will be available soon!
Fees will be $50 for KAPS members, $65 for nonmembers, and $25 for an administrator that accompanies their school psychologist!
Though we have most of our topics already selected, if you have any suggestions for presenters for the Spring Training (or Fall Conference), please send them to [email protected]
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